Friday, November 15, 2013

coin new digital card


Swipes like a card. Handles like a dream.


Long distance relationships are hard. Coin alerts you when it’s apart from your phone.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Our products and services

We provide a variety of services for people and businesses. Here's a glimpse at what we offer.
Larry Page, our co-founder and CEO, once described the “perfect search engine” as something that “understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want.” Since he spoke those words Google has grown to offer products beyond search, but the spirit of what he said remains. With all our technologies—from search to Chrome to Gmail—our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to find the information you need and get the things you need to do done.
This means making search smarter and faster, so it can understand that when you type [jaguar] you’re looking for the car, not photos of the animal. It means showing you when your friends like an ad or a search result, so that you know it might be valuable. It means making our products work intuitively, so that you can share documents with Gmail contacts without having to copy and paste, and open the same tabs on your Android phone that you have open on your Chrome browser on your desktop. Above all, it means making our products work better so that people can spend time on the stuff they’re good at—like enjoying time with family, camping in the wilderness, painting a picture or throwing a party. We’re not there yet, but we’re working on it.

What we do for businesses

We provide a variety of tools to help businesses of all kinds succeed on and off the web. These programs form the backbone of our own business; they’ve also enabled entrepreneurs and publishers around the world to grow theirs. Our advertising programs, which range from simple text ads to rich media ads, help businesses find customers, and help publishers make money off of their content. We also provide cloud computing tools for businesses that save money and help organizations be more productive.

What we do for the web

We build products that we hope will make the web better—and therefore your experience on the web better. With products like Chrome and Android, we want to make it simpler and faster for people to do what they want to online. We’re also committed to the open web, so we’re involved in various projects to make it easier for developers to contribute to the online ecosystem and move the web forward. The web has evolved enormously since Google first appeared on the scene, but one thing that hasn't changed is our belief in the endless possibilities of the Internet itself.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Apple, Samsung, Google plan to launch 'smart watches' this year

Tech giants Apple, Samsung and Google could launch their much-awaited smart watches later this year, it has been claimed. Avi Greengart, analyst on consumer devices at the research firm Current Analysis said 2013 may be the year for the smartwatch because "the components have gotten small enough and cheap enough" and a large number of consumers now have smartphones that can connect to a wearable device. According to the Australian, the idea of the connected watch has been around for at least a decade: Microsoft had one in 2003. Some devices are already on the market including from Sony, the crowd funded maker Pebble and Italian-based firm i'm.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hack-proof Credit Card

For every code there exists a hack and the Credit Card industry is not immune to money frauds either. To stay a step ahead in the game, many companies are opting for IC chip cards instead of the ‘easily-duplicated- magnetic cards’. Hidden Card is a concept that where the CPU, operation system, memory area, and security algorithm are built into the IC chip card, so it can be used for a variety of purposes.
The IC chip is placed on the left side of the card front and serves as a type of connecting code. Hidden Card protects your information embedded in the IC chip and even prevents secondary damage.

 Designers: Design Team Korea Armed Forces Printing Publishing Depot – Korea Design Membership